Earl过去的生活中做了许多错误的事情,但是一件事情却使他的生活发生了不小的变化,让他有了重新开始的机会,Earl中了彩票。在知道这一切后,他做了一个重大决定,要用这笔财富来改变他的生活方式,尽力弥补他在过去所犯的错误,他希望这是他新生活的开始。可惜,在他实施这一措施以前,不幸就已经出现了。兑奖前几秒钟,他被汽车撞倒了,而且失去了记忆,彩票也被风吹走了。在医院里,Earl看了《Last Call with Carson Daly》的节目,Carson在采访时说,他之所以成功是好心有好报的结果,就在这时,Earl发现真的有因果报应这回事。他想要自己的生活变得美好,所以开始弥补自己以前的错误。最后,他选择了Kenny,一个小学里做滑稽表演的人。帮助Earl寻求改变命运,洗刷罪恶的是他的一群朋友们,尽管他们的头脑有些不灵光:总是比较倒霉的兄弟Randy、非常性感的Catalina 、还有Darnell,Earl喜欢去的酒吧Crab Shack的老板,他们都给了Earl很多的帮助和支持。但是Earl的前妻Joy却不想帮助他,除非她能从中得到什么好处。尽管Earl的头脑有些迟钝,但是他异常地努力,所以中间也发生了不少的趣事。Earl这个人物非常有自己的特色,有独特的声音和造型。他是Greg Garcia笔下所创造的人物。《My Name is Earl》是Garcia和Marc Buckland一起写的故事,由20世纪福克斯电视台拍摄。
Earl’s life has been full of poor choices and mistakes, but after winning a small lottery jackpot he has an epiphany and vows to change his ways. Upon discovering that he is the holder of a winning ticket, Earl is hit by a car and the ticket blows out of his limp hand as he lies unconscious in the street. While recovering in the hospital and watching television, Earl has a karmic epiphany, thanks to Carson Daly, who attributes his success to doing good for others. A light bulb goes off in Earl’s dim head and he sets out to right every wrong he has done starting with a grade school geek.