詹姆斯·帕特里克·斯图阿特 James Patrick Stuart
Something Wicked ------- (2010)
正义联盟:两个地球的危机 Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths ------- (2010)
幻想之地/幻想世界 Imagine That ------- (2009)
Good Behavior ------- (2009)
爱很复杂/爱 找麻烦(台) It's Complicated ------- (2009)
Making It Legal ------- (2008)
英雄归来 The Man Who Came Back ------- (2008)
Jack Rio ------- (2008)
"Wolverine and the X-Men" ------- (2008)
"90210" ------- (2008)
Remarkable Power ------- (2007)
...(展开全部) Something Wicked ------- (2010)
正义联盟:两个地球的危机 Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths ------- (2010)
幻想之地/幻想世界 Imagine That ------- (2009)
Good Behavior ------- (2009)
爱很复杂/爱 找麻烦(台) It's Complicated ------- (2009)
Making It Legal ------- (2008)
英雄归来 The Man Who Came Back ------- (2008)
Jack Rio ------- (2008)
"Wolverine and the X-Men" ------- (2008)
"90210" ------- (2008)
Remarkable Power ------- (2007)
Cruel World ------- (2005)
In the Game ------- (2005)
Enough About Me ------- (2005)
Saddam 17 ------- (2005)
罪案终结 "The Closer" ------- (2005)
"Second Time Around" ------- (2004)
In the Game ------- (2004)
战役风云/众神与将军/神州元帅/神灵与将军 Gods and Generals ------- (2003)
"Andy Richter Controls the Universe" ------- (2002)
"Push, Nevada" ------- (2002)
"Still Standing" ------- (2002)
H.U.D. ------- (2000)
犯罪现场调查/犯罪现场调查:拉斯维加斯篇/犯罪现场鉴证/灭罪鉴证科(港) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ------- (2000)
"Judging Amy" ------- (1999)
Babylon 5: In the Beginning ------- (1998)
"Encore! Encore!" ------- (1998)
流氓帝国 The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca ------- (1997)
Fix ------- (1997)
执法悍将 "JAG" ------- (1995)
勇闯快活岛 Exit to Eden ------- (1994)
葛底士堡/盖兹堡战役/盖茨堡战役 Gettysburg ------- (1993)
风月俏佳人/漂亮女人/麻雀变凤凰 Pretty Woman ------- (1990)
Conquest of the Earth ------- (1980)
"All My Children" ------- (1970)
