丽亚·米雪儿 Lea Michele
"Lea was born in The Bronx, New York, the daughter of Edith Sarfati, a nurse, and Marc Sarfati, a delicatessen owner.[1] Michele's mother is Italian American and Catholic, while her father is of Spanish-Sephardic Jewish ancestry.[2] Michele grew up in Tenafly, New Jersey, where she attended Tenafly High School. She attended Stagedoor Manor in the Catskills, a performing arts training center. She was then later accepted to the Tisch School of t...(展开全部) "Lea was born in The Bronx, New York, the daughter of Edith Sarfati, a nurse, and Marc Sarfati, a delicatessen owner.[1] Michele's mother is Italian American and Catholic, while her father is of Spanish-Sephardic Jewish ancestry.[2] Michele grew up in Tenafly, New Jersey, where she attended Tenafly High School. She attended Stagedoor Manor in the Catskills, a performing arts training center. She was then later accepted to the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University, but opted to continue working on stage.
(Lea Michele) 丽娅·米雪儿出生于美国纽约市Bronx区,母亲是意大利裔美国人,父亲则是西班牙裔犹太人的后代。 8岁的时候,丽娅就登上了百老汇的舞台,在经典音乐剧《悲惨世界》(Les Miserables)中饰演Young Cosette。1998年,丽娅成为了音乐剧《爵士年华》(Ragtime)中Little Girl一角的百老汇首演演员。2004年,她参演了百老汇复排版音乐剧《屋顶上的提琴手》(Fiddler on the Roof),在其中饰演Shprintze和Chava两个角色。丽娅迄今为止最有名的舞台角色是《春之觉醒》(Spring Awakening)中的女主角Wendla。15岁时,丽娅就开始扮演该角色。在丽娅20岁的时候,《春之觉醒》正式由一部外百老汇制作(Off-Broadway Production)变为百老汇制作(Broadway Production),开始登上百老汇的舞台进行公演。这部音乐剧在当年的托尼奖上横扫7项大奖,给丽娅带来了巨大的掌声和赞誉。丽娅还凭Wendla一角,获得了剧情人奖的最佳音乐剧女演员提名。2008年,丽娅和该剧男主角(也是她最好的朋友)Jonathan Groff一同离开了《春之觉醒》剧组。2009年,丽娅开始在电视剧《欢乐合唱团》中饰演女主角Rachel Berry,该角色为丽娅分别赢得了金球奖和艾美奖的提名,开启了她事业的新高峰。
