刘钊 Zhao Lewis Liu
Zhāo Lewis Liú earned his MFA in the Film and Video Production program at The University of Iowa. Lewis joined the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games...(展开全部) 刘钊,美国爱荷华大学电影与比较文学系影视制作项目艺术硕士(MFA)。他本科毕业于中国传媒大学播音与主持艺术专业(英语节目方向),曾参加2008北京奥运会电视转播,并曾任中央电视台(CCTV)经济频道国际组编辑记者。他的创作兴趣包括社会纪录片,实验先锋电影,他的研究方向包括种族与多元文化,以及好莱坞与流行文化。
Zhāo Lewis Liú earned his MFA in the Film and Video Production program at The University of Iowa. Lewis joined the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games for TV broadcasting at the Beijing Shooting Venue. He then worked for China Central Television (CCTV) as a broadcast journalist before he came to Iowa City in 2009. With credits in narrative, documentary, and experimental animation, Lewis identifies himself as an avant-pop filmmaker.