盖伊·西纳 Guy Siner
such a elegant artist ,actor ,typical old fashing gentleman , which style is more precious for us in these days , He acted as gruber in allo' allo who was inspired by all of us!! Not only gruber in the tv play , as an exprienced actor, he took action in other famous film and producing !!
writing those english words for one day he could read this ,know how much people like him for his performance!!
非常优雅自得的一名演员,有着典型的旧绅...(展开全部) such a elegant artist ,actor ,typical old fashing gentleman , which style is more precious for us in these days , He acted as gruber in allo' allo who was inspired by all of us!! Not only gruber in the tv play , as an exprienced actor, he took action in other famous film and producing !!
writing those english words for one day he could read this ,know how much people like him for his performance!!
非常优雅自得的一名演员,有着典型的旧绅士风度。他在allo allo里的表演震撼了所有人。不过他的表演不仅与此,作为一个老戏骨,他参与了一些著名影片的拍摄.