Ruth Laredo
Ruth Laredo was an American classical pianist. She became known in the 1970s in particular for her premiere recordings of the 10 sonatas of Scriabin and the complete solo piano works of Rachmaninoff, for her Ravel recordings and in the last 16½ years before her death for her series in the Metropolitan Museum of Art “Concerts with Commentary”. She was often referred to as “America's First Lady of the Piano”.
出生: 1937年 11月 20日...(展开全部)
Ruth Laredo was an American classical pianist. She became known in the 1970s in particular for her premiere recordings of the 10 sonatas of Scriabin and the complete solo piano works of Rachmaninoff, for her Ravel recordings and in the last 16½ years before her death for her series in the Metropolitan Museum of Art “Concerts with Commentary”. She was often referred to as “America's First Lady of the Piano”.
出生: 1937年 11月 20日·Detroit, Michigan
逝世: 2005年 5月 25日·New York City, New York
毕业院校:Curtis Institute of Music
埋葬地点:Kensico Cemetery