A Letter of Fire: The life of a prosperous family is sent reeling after a tragic and incredible accident involving the 12-year-old boy in a murder. The issue caused a stir, especially since the child's mother, a renowned judge, is in charge of the case. In the bustling city, the boy is hiding in the house of a museum guard, as his mother tries desperately to defend him and his father has withdrawn into himself. As time passes, a strange relationship develops between the mother and the man who hides her son. The tension reaches its highest point when the mother reveals her childhood dream and unloads all her pain in a manner of violence and atonement.The movie depicts a series of psychosexual traumas within an upper middle class Sri Lankan family—a female magistrate, her elderly husband, who is a former High Court judge, and their 12-year-old son (Isham Samzudeen). It explores the questions of incest, rape, murder and other dark secrets within the family and their impact on the young boy.